This is a Heavy Duty Flasher Unit and is correct for 1968 and later MGBs and MG Midgets. Completely digital, so no more fast or slow blinking. Additionally, if you are using LED bulbs this unit is a must to insure the bulbs will blink at the correct speed. Best quality Flosser part Made in Germany.
Because they are digital, they will work for both the hazard and turn signals. This is a replacement for the SFB114 or SFB130 flasher which were thermal and when old tend to work poorly if at all. These digital units flash first then pause and the originals would have to heat up first and so they pause then flash. These are the only ones we sell and the only ones we use in our MG's because nothing else is nearly as good. They do have round bodies and you may need to zip tie them in place as they will not fit the clips for square ones very well, but the function is completely superior. We do normally stock the mounting clips for these and they are super easy to change. We have used dozens of these in our shop with great results.